
I have observed in SMAN 12. The school uses the moving class system in their learning process. My friend and I focus on the first grade senior high school. Every class consists of at least 40 students. The technology in the school is convenient for the high school students likes Computer Laboratory, Internet Access free (WIFI), School Radio Channel, Language Laboratory, Audio and Visual room, and communication tools.
Technology that is used in SMAN 12 is mostly the new or digital technology but they are still using whiteboard in classroom. There is no one digital technology in every class but if they want to use the computer or internet access in learning activity, they can go to Audio and Visual room. In that room, the school provides one controlled computer, sound systems and LCD. If they want to go online in supporting the learning process, they can go to computer laboratory. In computer laboratory, there are computer and internet access for each student and also free hotspot in the school area.
Since two weeks observed, my friend and I did not observe our master teacher in teaching process. She asked us to teach since the second day we are there. So, I will assess our teaching process in classroom.
We almost did not use the digital media in teaching process, except the last day. In the last day, we taught them narrative text in Audio and Visual room because we need computer access and it is not available in the classroom. We used computer and LCD to play a game board. We showed the board in front of the class with LCD.
If I were a teacher in SMAN 12, I will optimize the using of technology. I can bring the students to Language Laboratory to practice their listening, reading and speaking from a song, film or video. The other activity is “go online”. Because my focus is Language Teaching, I will ask them to find some English articles from the internet in Computer Laboratory and then they have to find difficult words and phrases. That activity can give them some additional vocabularies or idioms. I also want to allow them to go online and getting some chats with foreigners in social networking. If they chat with Skype, they also can talk each other directly. As we know, the high school students are usually shy with their English. So, this activity can provide them a practice of their confidences and fluently in writing or speaking English. Even I try to use the technology optimally. I have to focus on my goals. The students have to get the main point or the concept of my teaching and they can practice it in the real life. So, I think that all activities only can practice one or two times in a month but they still can do that all in their home.

The theory of multiple Intelligences was proposed by Howards Gardner in 1983 to analyze and describe the concept of intelligence. From the theory, Gardner gave a brief description in eight intelligences. Everyone is possible to have more than one intelligences, but it could be the dominant in one intelligence. In every intelligence, Gardner had classified each in some criteria. We can know our intelligence from the criteria according to the result of the intelligence test.

I have learned about the multiple intelligences with Mr.Iwan. I did the intelligence test with answering the questionnaire a week ago. The big points in my test are verbal-linguistic intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence. But, the highest one is Intrapersonal Intelligence. According to the module, Intrapersonal Intelligence is the ability to construct an accurate perception of someone and to use such knowledge in planning and directing one’s life. It is little bit complicated, so I conclude with my own. The people who called self-smart in intrapersonal good in are intuitive and typically introverted. They are skillful at deciphering their own feelings and motivations. This refers to having a deep understanding of the self; what are my strengths/ weaknesses, what makes me unique. I can predict my own reactions/ emotions. I think this is suitable with me because I often work by myself. I also hardly receive the others advice and then I decide anything with my own. I usually plan anything perfectly without any notes. I love alone because I feel a peace.

Setiap orang yang pertama kali melihat nama saya pasti akan bernyanyi. Nama saya termasuk salah satu judul lagu religi beken. Dahulu, mama saya berencana memberi saya nama dengan nama bulan lahir saya. Tapi rupanya mereka merasa namanya agak kampungan, jadi mereka menggantinya. (Wah, ternyata selera mereka tinggi juga.) Usut punya usut, ternyata mama saya mengkopi nama tetangganya di kampung. Persis sekali. Bahkan tidak ada satu huruf pun yang dibedakan. Sedikit kecewa sih. Nama plagiat ini memang bagus. Tapi ya begitulah, agak malu kalau saya ceritakan asal usul nama tiruan itu. Tetangga mama saya itu seorang perempuan cerdas, cantik bahkan soleha. Harapan mama saya adalah saya bisa menjadi seperti beliau. Mama saya sangat mengagumi beliau. Ketika beliau kecil, mama sayalah yang mengasuhnya. Beliau sangat patuh terhadap orang tua. Setidaknya saya sekarang tahu alasan orang tua saya meniru nama orang lain. Kepercayaan orang dulu memang seperti itu, apa yang bagus harus ditiru dan apa yang tidak bagus merupakan pantangan. Yah, meskipun ini ganjil tapi tetap berlaku pada nama saya.

“Yang pertama dan satu-satunya” itulah arti dari nama belakang saya. Kisahnya cukup tragis. Kedua kakak saya meninggal dalam waktu yang berdekatan. Setelah itu barulah saya dilahirkan. Saya adalah anak kandung satu-satunya di keluarga saya, tapi saya memiliki banyak saudara angkat. Jika dipikir lagi, nama itu mencirikan kehidupan saya. Saya anak satu-satunya yang menjadi harapan besar keluarga. Yah, sedikit berat sih tapi saya bersyukur karena orangtua saya memberikan kepercayaan besar ini kepada saya.

“Profesi mulia seorang perempuan” melekat dalam nama saya. Setiap perempuan pasti mendapatkan julukan ini. Profesi yang membuka jalan bagi setiap wanita menuju surga. Subhanallah. Mungkin karena itulah mama saya ingin setiap langkah saya diberkahi oleh Allah. Amin. Nama adalah sebuah doa dan saya mendapatkan doa yang sangat indah dari orangtua saya. Nama saya identik sekali dengan islam. Tapi saya tetap menjadi apa yang saya inginkan. Nama ini menjadi pengingat saya aga bisa menjalankan amanah ini dengan baik. Menjadi perempuan mulia seperti dambaan semua wanita terlebih hanya satu-satunya di dunia adalah saya.

Kenali diri kita lebih dalam lagi !!!

Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counselor, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed. The Community Language Learning is the method which are use by the teachers to consider their students as ‘whole persons’. ‘Whole persons’ means that teachers consider not only their students intellect, but also have some understanding of the relationship among students feelings, physical reactions, instinctive protective reactions, and desire to learn. The teachers who use this method want their students to learn how to use the target language communicatively. They focuses are not only on the language but also on the being supportive of learners in their learning process. In this method, the teachers use tape-recorded, transcription, reflection on experience, reflective listening, human computer, and small group tasks to see our ‘whole persons’. With use tape-recorded, they can learn about conversation easily. The teacher give them some ‘chunks’ on the transcript, they must repeat it with her. In this method, the teachers use small groups to help the students can get more practice with the target language and allow them to get to know each other better.

I like this method because I think this method is more interesting and easier for student. It also can improve the students’ understanding because they learn with their selves. The method provide variety ways in teaching.

Language Teaching Methodologies
The appropriate teaching methodologies in Indonesian Education and the reasons:
Learned-centered curriculum and principal approach is two of the teaching methodologies which I think can be appropriate in Indonesian Education. Learned-centered curriculum is a teaching approach which is based on the belief that learners are self-directed. Learners are seen to learn in different ways and to have different needs and interests. This approach can reach all of student learning styles. In Indonesia, students usually feel bored if the teachers only teach the material with old style (only read and write) and then the students often slept in classroom. That way is failed in old era. In my experience, I prefer doing some practices to only reading some books. So, this method required the teacher to create creative ways in teaching. The important thing is the teacher should combine the technology. Technology provided some advantages in life and almost students in this era get closer with technology.
But in teaching, the teachers also should have a standard assessment to support the method. It called principal approach. In beginning and the end of semester, the teachers have to build a test in order to know the result of their students. If the result increased, the teacher might repeat the method. But if it is failed, the teachers should change their methods. The principal approach tended to teach the material only by syllabus or standard from government. It is not the best way in teaching but it can be a supporting way for learned-centered curriculum. The teachers not only gave the student freedom in learning, but they also assess their student to reach the standard of assessment.