
Vocabulary  is the set of words they are familiar with in a language. Usually, vocabulary is called collection of words. We can find it in the dictionary. But, sometimes we find the difficulties in teaching vocabulary, especially new vocabulary. I have a video which I downloaded from youtube, which explains how teach vocabulary. Now, let's watch the video !!

So, teaching new words with read, translated, and memorized is dull approach. 
We have to visualize the words with pictures or something else. Student can also look at; meaning, shape, pronounciation, sound and utility. 
Ok, I hope this video usefull for us .

My learning situation picture describes how I interpret the learning itself with making a picture track. The picture track tells us about what happen with the learning and also the tools and people who related in the learning process. The first picture is ME as an important element in the learning process. After that, I drew the tools, people and places which are helping me in the learning process. The last picture means that the learning process makes me understand and knowing what I don’t know before.

My picture belongs to co-construction model of learning. The model concerned with the learner’s construction of meaning through interaction and collaboration with others, especially through the dialogue. Why? Because, in my picture I see that the learning process is not only receive material from the teacher but also through discussion. It is proven by the picture which saw the people who are talking each other.
Why we have to learn the models of learning? As an effective teacher, we have to prepare what the strategies of learning will be in the classroom. From the models, we can find the alternative ways if we failed in one method or we can combine it in order to make an effective teaching. It also represents our expectation about the learning itself.

Hai Kaum Muda yang semangatnya berapi-api !!!
Sebagai generasi muda yang cerdas, tentu kita tahu bahwa kita harus memiliki pendidikan yang tinggi.
Belajar bukan hanya di sekolah, tetapi juga di luar sekolah. Hanya saja, kita lebih sering menghabiskan waktu kita di sekolah.

Nah, sejauh mana sih pendidikan mempengaruhi kehidupan kita ?
Apa yang kita dapat selama belajar di sekolah ?
Apakah hanya nilai-nilai dan angka-angka ?

Dari sejarahnya, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan anak-anak pintar dan banyak tokoh-tokoh yang terkenal di dunia contohnya Bung Karno, Sri Mulyani dan masih banyak lagi. Pada zaman dahulu, banyak orang-orang dari negara tetangga  belajar di Indonesia.Selain SDA yang melimpah, Indonesia juga memiliki SDM yang berkualitas. Tapi, apakah zaman sekarang masih sama seperti itu?
Nah buat perbandingan, yuk lihat video ini !


Wah, ternyata serem juga ya kalo kaya gitu !
Apakah kalian pernah seperti itu juga ?

Generasi muda adalah bagian terpenting dalam masyarakat loh !
Nggak percaya ? 
Liat deh, seberapa banyak kegiatan-kegiatan yang dibuat untuk remaja di lingkungan kita. 
Mulai dari latihan futsal, voli, badminton, karang taruna, sampe pengajian remaja-remaji mushola.
Mau tau kenapa ?
Karena, kita adalah penerus generasi yang sebelumnya dan tentu saja mereka mengharapkan kita bisa lebih baik dari mereka.
Emang sih, kadang kita sering banget diejek atau diremehkan oleh orang-orang. Mereka bilang kita nakal, berandalan, ga sopan, tukang ribut dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi masa sih kita harus terperangkap dalam streotip yang kaya gitu?
Nah, sekarang kita buktiin ke mereka bahwa sekarang waktunya Yang Muda Yang Berprestasi. Sudah banyak kok contohnya. 
Yuk, kita lihat sama-sama !

 Ini adalah adik kesayangan saya.
Sejak SMP dia sangat suka menulis. Dia pernah
meraih juara 2 dalam lomba menulis cerpen
"Tupperware Children Helping Children "

TIM Paskibra. Selalu sukses dalam mengibarkan Bendera Pusaka Merah Putih. Sikap cinta dan bangga terhadap tanah air selalu dijunjung tinggi oleh para pemuda ini.
 Adeline adalah pendiri gerakan SAHABAT ALAM yang berdiri pada tahun 2008. Gerakan ini fokus kepada pelestarian alam. Ia memulainya dengan mengajak teman-temannya menanam pohon mangroev di sekitar pantai. Ia dikenal dengan nama Adeline Sahabat Alam.

 Nah, pasti kalian sudah kenal sama yang satu ini kan ?
Aluna Sagita Gutawa memulai karir menyanyinya sejak SMP. Kualitas vokalnya sudah tidak diragukan lagi.
Terakhir !
Kevin Soedyatmiko adalah Peraih Juara Olimpiade Termuda di Indonesia. Karirnya di bidang Sains dimulai sejak dia SMP. Kecerdasannya ini berasal dari kesukaannya pada Matematika.

Nah, itu beberapa contoh pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang berprestasi. 
So, gimana dengan kalian ?

Selama kita masih punya kesempatan untuk melakukan hal yang baik, kita pasti bisa membuktikannya pada orang lain. So guys, yuk gunakan waktu kita untuk hal-hal yang positif !

Video by : Lina and Umi 
Picture from : Google Courtesy and Private Collection

Which Teacher are You is a video about the effective teaching in classroom. This video shows two kinds of style, there are old and modern style. But, we are not going to judge the better one than another. Our goal is to find how to teach effectivelly in classroom. Are you curious ?
Lets, check it out !!!

Wow, how's the video ? It is great, isn't it ?
We don't try to push you choose which the best one. But, you can know what effective teaching actually in classroom is. From that video, we can conclude that effective teaching will happen when : 
  1. Teacher give clear to do the task. 
  2. Teacher used variability and flexiblelity of delivering material.
  3. Teacher can make the student feel entusiastic
As a teacher, we have to consider the understanding of student in learning because each student has different style and capability to receive the lesson. So, make sure that they are really understand the material. How ? Look at their face! Are they look smile? or they sleepy ?

Ok, do you get the idea ?
So, after read this blog, try to implement it to your teaching.
Keep trying !!!
Good luck !!!

Video by Arlin, Lina and Umi

Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free, while calls to both traditional landline telephones and mobile phones can be made for a fee using a debit-based user account system. Skype has also become popular for its additional features which include instant messaging, file transfer, and video conferencing. The network is operated by Skype Limited, which has its headquarters in Luxembourg and is partly owned by eBay.

Benefit in using Skype
1. Global and local communication is more economical through voice or video conference. As an illustration, in 2007 the ratio to call to America from Indonesia is Rp.6, 640, - / minute while using skype, this activity is obtained for free (to fellow Skype users) and paid when skype is used to call mobile phones on the plane: USD . 1.593 / min or a plane home phone: Rp. 423 / min [3]. Communication becomes cheaper and affordable. The conference could take place between users (two people) to five users simultaneously.
    2. Its use is easy. For users who have been accustomed to using sender-receiver internet instant messaging, Skype software will be felt easily. Users only have to have a computer with certain technical specifications, the headset (which has a mike and speakers), as well as internet connection.
    3. Better sound quality VoIP dibandingakan predecessor. Uses basic telephone conversation through a computer user located anywhere (with internet connection) for free.

Learning Foreign Language with Skype
If you want to learn a foreign language, Skype can help you. Why? because you can interact with the foreigner directly for free from you PC. Let's check this video !!!
With Skpe, your PC can be your :
  1. Phone 
  2. File transfer 
  3. Chat and Video Conversation System 
Now, are you interested to use Skype ?
Let's join with me !!!
(that link can help you) 

Video from :
Sources : Wikipedia